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Ancient Enoch Calendar


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Ancient Enoch Calendar(圖1)-速報App

Ancient Enoch Calendar Based on Zadok Calendar Texts,Conversion from Gregorian

Genesis 1:14-19 This is a 364 day Solar Calendar , Joshua's long day (Joshua 10:13) is a blank day that you do not count it is basically a buffer between the next Year the extra 1.25 day is actually Joshua's long day plus this day in this scripture Isaiah 38:8., the calendar resets at the next vernal equinox in Spring, Biblically the new year starts in spring. ,

The Vernal Equinox is the day which the Sun passes the equator this is the mid point of the Solar Analemma, this year it happened on March 20 local , Check for Vernal Equinox in your timezone, the day after the Vernal Equinox is the biblical 4th day of the creation week according to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the 4th day of creation is also the 1st day of 1st Month. which is the day the sun was created

the feast of trumpets is on the autumn equinox , the enoch calendar shows it a few days before it happens , the feast of trumpets is the day which no man knows the day or hour , but we know the season . so check for the autumn equinox for that feast .

"And God appointed the Sun to be a Great Sign on the earth for Days, and for Sabbaths and for Months and for Feasts and for Years and for Sabbaths of Years and for Jubilees and for All Seasons of the Years." Jubilees 2:9-10

"And the sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their position by a single day unto eternity; but complete the years with perfect justice in 364 days" Book of Enoch Chapter 74

There are people who think you are not to start on the 4th day how ever scripture shows that the Messiah rose early on the 1st day of the week in Mark 16:9 which he was in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights this would be mathematically impossible if you start the 14th day passover on a 7th day sabbath.

read Mark 26:17-20 ,Mark 14:12-17 ,Luke 22:7-14 , How can Messiah have eaten of the Passover meal on Passover day and then be crucified the following day, if the following day was Passover day? Two calendars is how. the pharisees followed a lunar solar calendar.

Why you should care about learning this calendar :

" 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time" Daniel 7:25

Frag. 1 “the Passover is on the fourteenth of the month on the third day (of the week). On the eighteenth of the month is the Sabbath of Yehoiarib. Passover ends on the third day in the evening.“ 4Q325 A new Translation, The Dead Sea Scrolls. Page 403 Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival – Year One

Frag. 1 “on the eleventh of the month is a Sabbath. On the fourteenth of the month is Passover, on the third day of the week. On the fifteenth of the month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the fourth day of the week. On the twenty-fifth of the month is a Sabbath. On the twenty- sixth of the month is the Barley Festival, on the day after the Sabbath.” 4Q326 A new Translation, The Dead Sea Scrolls. Page 405 Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival – Year Four

“Frag. 1 verse 1 In the first month: on the fourth of the month is a Sabbath …” 4Q326 A new Translation, The Dead Sea Scrolls. Page 405 Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival – Year Four


This calendar matches the Qumran texts and testifies for the Messiah showing the Messiah rose early on the first day of the week exactly how scripture says 3 days and 3 nights later

The equinox when the sun entered the Constellation Aries(Mazzaroth) mid of the solar analemma

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